I've been thinking a lot over the past week about what motivates me. I've always been the type to need a big goal or event or something along those lines to work toward when it comes to being healthy. For example, many months ago, I had planned to go to Myrtle Beach with some friends the week of July 4th. A beach vacation would involve wearing bathing suits in front of many people all week long, and so I had that date in mind as the end zone for my goal weight. But a couple of months ago, those vacation plans changed and I suddenly was without that motivation, without the pressure of a bathing suit looming over my head. And that's when I fell off the health wagon.
I've realized just how foolish that is. Why do I need a major thing like a trip to motivate me? Why isn't just looking and feeling better enough? It should be. Finding an outfit that I feel good in is an everyday challenge, one that I often fail. Feeling confident and energetic is something I want every day. So why has that not been enough to motivate me? Why is a one-time trip more important than being the best me I can be every single day?
That mindset has got to stop. I need to view this as an ongoing process to help me live life to the fullest every day, not just for a few days on vacation. If I had just kept up with the changes I'd made to my lifestyle even after the Myrtle Beach trip was canceled, I'd be just about at my goal weight by now. I'm not sure where my head was, because it's not as if I live in a place where I don't get summer weather. I still need to wear a bathing suit and still need to wear summer clothing that provides less coverage than the pants and sweaters that I can hide behind in winter. Canceling the beach trip didn't make those realities go away. So, when I stop to think about it, I could kick myself, because we're now in the throes of hot weather, and this body is just not ready for it!
I'm moving past that though. Beating myself up won't do any good. So now my focus won't be on a trip that I'm taking or some other goal down the road. My focus will be on today and tomorrow. It will be about translating how I'm feeling now into daily motivation and short term wins. When I'm tempted to skip a workout or have an extra cupcake, I'll think about how I want to feel good about myself at the cookout tomorrow or at work on Monday, or the baseball game next week. Not about how I'll feel months from now. I deserve to feel and look my best every day, and it's on me to make that happen.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Frest Start
To anyone who might still be subscribed to this blog as a stamping fan, I think this is where I'll lose you. I have stamped exactly two cards since my last post almost 6 months ago, and both were stamped under duress at the request of co-workers when we needed retirement cards for two of our colleagues. I just don't have it in me anymore. I've sold off a lot of my stuff and am in the process of selling more. In my free time these days, stamping is the last thing I feel like doing. I'm keeping some basics and a few of my favorite supplies, so maybe someday I'll get back to it. But not any time soon.
So, this blog is going to turn into a blog about whatever I want it to be. Life, cooking, random observations, etc. Today it's a post to vent and I guess maybe to hold myself accountable a little. I want to write about my struggle with weight loss. As for so many people, it's an ongoing battle. I hit my all-time high weight in January 2009. I was about 45 pounds above my goal weight. I decided I'd had it and things were going to change. I would lose a few, then gain a couple, and it was a slow process. Slow is the only way I know how to do this. I am not now and will never be someone who can eliminate an entire food group and I will never be someone who enjoys boot camp type exercise. The only way I've been successful is to not prohibit myself from eating anything, but to just be careful about portion sizes and enjoy treats in moderation. My kind of exercise is going for a walk on the beach or getting on the treadmill for an hour at a moderate pace and read a good book while I'm on there. My method means slow weight loss, but that's ok. By the start of 2010, I was down 20 lbs, which isn't a lot for a year, but at only 5'3", 20 lbs made a big difference in how I looked, felt, and how my clothes fit.
In January, I lost another 7 lbs, which is a lot for one month for me, and I wasn't even trying. Unfortunately, it was due to a complete loss of appetite after some unexpected boy-related heartache. Which meant that once I started feeling better, my appetite returned, and so did the weight. And, because I had wasted the first month or so of this year feeling sad, I decided I needed to bounce back in a major way and throw my social life into overdrive. Which is a great thing, but the downside is that nearly all social activities, at least in the area I live and with the friends I have, include eating and drinking. Lunches, dinners, happy hours...sign me up! And it's been a blast, but my waistline has paid for it. Some of my friends and I had started a Biggest Loser competition at the start of the year, and it ended Memorial Day weekend. How much did I lose? Nothing. In fact, I gained about 3 lb. Which, since I had lost those 7 lbs. in January, actually meant I gained 10. Disturbing.
Instead of this serving as the motivation I needed to get back on track, I just stopped weighing myself for a few weeks. I went on vacation, where our plans mainly centered around what awesome (and likely unhealthy) thing we would eat for our next meal. I continued to go to lunches and dinner and happy hours, including my latest happy hour just this past week, which lasted 7 hours, and included three different bars, 4 martinis, I'm-not-sure-how-many pints of beer, taquitos, chips and guacamole, fries, and wings. Ooops. I've sure been having fun, but I feel awful. I have no energy, and I'm starting to notice that clothes that I was so excited to fit back into are getting snug again. It's becoming a problem for sure. But still, I've slacked off on exercising and have paid no attention to what I shove in my mouth.
Today a new round of Biggest Loser started and I stepped on the scale for the first time in three weeks to find I have gained three more pounds since Memorial Day. Gross. So I think something has finally clicked and today is my fresh start. I can't keep going like this. I'm too young and have too many things I want to do to let this hold me back anymore. I'm not a confident person as it is, so I need all the help I can get to feel good about myself. And tight waistbands are not going to do that. So today I become accountable again. I'm going to pay more attention to what I eat. I'm still going to enjoy myself, but in moderation. There's no way I'm passing on happy hour, but if I behave the majority of the time, then I know I can splurge a little and be just fine. I need to get back to exercising regularly too. I'm going to do something, anything, even if it is just a slow stroll along the beach, for at least 30 minutes, at least 5 days a week. That's not too much to ask of myself. I've done it before, and I can do it again.
I'm not sure if anyone will even see or read this post, but I feel good for having put it out there. I think journaling and putting my feelings into words is a really healthy process, so I guess that's what I'm doing, though why I decided it needs to be published for the world to read, I'm not sure. Maybe there is someone who will read this who is going through the same struggles and it'll be helpful for them to know that someone else relates. Regardless, today is the first day to a new me. I've got about 34 lbs to lose to get to what I have always had in my head as a reasonable goal weight. I'll never be skinny, and I know that. I'm just not built that way. But the last time I was at my goal weight, I looked and felt good, and I know I can get there again, one baby step at a time.
So, this blog is going to turn into a blog about whatever I want it to be. Life, cooking, random observations, etc. Today it's a post to vent and I guess maybe to hold myself accountable a little. I want to write about my struggle with weight loss. As for so many people, it's an ongoing battle. I hit my all-time high weight in January 2009. I was about 45 pounds above my goal weight. I decided I'd had it and things were going to change. I would lose a few, then gain a couple, and it was a slow process. Slow is the only way I know how to do this. I am not now and will never be someone who can eliminate an entire food group and I will never be someone who enjoys boot camp type exercise. The only way I've been successful is to not prohibit myself from eating anything, but to just be careful about portion sizes and enjoy treats in moderation. My kind of exercise is going for a walk on the beach or getting on the treadmill for an hour at a moderate pace and read a good book while I'm on there. My method means slow weight loss, but that's ok. By the start of 2010, I was down 20 lbs, which isn't a lot for a year, but at only 5'3", 20 lbs made a big difference in how I looked, felt, and how my clothes fit.
In January, I lost another 7 lbs, which is a lot for one month for me, and I wasn't even trying. Unfortunately, it was due to a complete loss of appetite after some unexpected boy-related heartache. Which meant that once I started feeling better, my appetite returned, and so did the weight. And, because I had wasted the first month or so of this year feeling sad, I decided I needed to bounce back in a major way and throw my social life into overdrive. Which is a great thing, but the downside is that nearly all social activities, at least in the area I live and with the friends I have, include eating and drinking. Lunches, dinners, happy hours...sign me up! And it's been a blast, but my waistline has paid for it. Some of my friends and I had started a Biggest Loser competition at the start of the year, and it ended Memorial Day weekend. How much did I lose? Nothing. In fact, I gained about 3 lb. Which, since I had lost those 7 lbs. in January, actually meant I gained 10. Disturbing.
Instead of this serving as the motivation I needed to get back on track, I just stopped weighing myself for a few weeks. I went on vacation, where our plans mainly centered around what awesome (and likely unhealthy) thing we would eat for our next meal. I continued to go to lunches and dinner and happy hours, including my latest happy hour just this past week, which lasted 7 hours, and included three different bars, 4 martinis, I'm-not-sure-how-many pints of beer, taquitos, chips and guacamole, fries, and wings. Ooops. I've sure been having fun, but I feel awful. I have no energy, and I'm starting to notice that clothes that I was so excited to fit back into are getting snug again. It's becoming a problem for sure. But still, I've slacked off on exercising and have paid no attention to what I shove in my mouth.
Today a new round of Biggest Loser started and I stepped on the scale for the first time in three weeks to find I have gained three more pounds since Memorial Day. Gross. So I think something has finally clicked and today is my fresh start. I can't keep going like this. I'm too young and have too many things I want to do to let this hold me back anymore. I'm not a confident person as it is, so I need all the help I can get to feel good about myself. And tight waistbands are not going to do that. So today I become accountable again. I'm going to pay more attention to what I eat. I'm still going to enjoy myself, but in moderation. There's no way I'm passing on happy hour, but if I behave the majority of the time, then I know I can splurge a little and be just fine. I need to get back to exercising regularly too. I'm going to do something, anything, even if it is just a slow stroll along the beach, for at least 30 minutes, at least 5 days a week. That's not too much to ask of myself. I've done it before, and I can do it again.
I'm not sure if anyone will even see or read this post, but I feel good for having put it out there. I think journaling and putting my feelings into words is a really healthy process, so I guess that's what I'm doing, though why I decided it needs to be published for the world to read, I'm not sure. Maybe there is someone who will read this who is going through the same struggles and it'll be helpful for them to know that someone else relates. Regardless, today is the first day to a new me. I've got about 34 lbs to lose to get to what I have always had in my head as a reasonable goal weight. I'll never be skinny, and I know that. I'm just not built that way. But the last time I was at my goal weight, I looked and felt good, and I know I can get there again, one baby step at a time.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Hope Stamps Eternal
Happy Sunday everyone! I'm writing with some bittersweet news today. My term with the Hope Stamps Eternal Design Team has ended and I've made the decision not to renew for another term. I have so loved being a part of this team, and I truly couldn't ask for a better "boss" than Rachel - she is the best! However, my life seems to have gotten in the way of stamping lately and cutting back on my obligations is just the best move for me right now.
I do love Hope Stamps Eternal and all the products offered, and the customer service seriously is spectacular! And, the design team really is so much fun, so I encourage you to apply! Rachel is accepting applications through this Friday, January 15th - check out all the details here.

While I don't have a card to share with you today, I hope to be able to continue playing along with the Cupcake Inspiration Challenges when I can, and I encourage you to do the same! I've included this week's photo for you here - now go play! And don't forget to link your creation to Rachel's post by next Saturday night for a chance to be featured in next Sunday's Top 5 collage!
I do love Hope Stamps Eternal and all the products offered, and the customer service seriously is spectacular! And, the design team really is so much fun, so I encourage you to apply! Rachel is accepting applications through this Friday, January 15th - check out all the details here.

While I don't have a card to share with you today, I hope to be able to continue playing along with the Cupcake Inspiration Challenges when I can, and I encourage you to do the same! I've included this week's photo for you here - now go play! And don't forget to link your creation to Rachel's post by next Saturday night for a chance to be featured in next Sunday's Top 5 collage!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Hope Stamps Eternal Design Team Call
Hope Stamps Eternal Design Team Call
Do you love to play with Paper, Ink, Stamps and embellishments? Do you have a blog that you update regularly? Do you want to be a part of a fun group of creative people? If the answer is yes, then this is the call for you!
We are looking for bloggers who update regularly and can show our product
in a good light. Does this mean you have to be the best stamper in the industry??? Absolutely Not! What it does mean is that applicants need
to be willing to link all HSE product on all projects they blog, if we carry it,
we expect a link…in exchange you will receive an ongoing 25%
discount and free products throughout your term
What you will receive ~
1. 25% off ALL purchases at Hope Stamps Eternal.
2. Free product throughout your term.
3. A $25 Welcome Credit to the store
4. Camaraderie and a good time!!
What we require of you ~
1. Participate in the weekly Sunday Challenge (Cupcake Inspiration Challenge)
2. Use product carried by Hope Stamps Eternal as often as possible,
linked to the product or category each time.
3. A minimum of 6 projects a month should feature Hope Stamps
Eternal product, this can include the Sunday Challenge and
any Blog Hops or Spotlights we schedule
4. Special Spotlights and Blog Hops may be scheduled,
the timing will be worked out among the entire group
Term ~
Design team term ~ Feb 1st, 2010 to July 31st, 2010
What do you need to do now? Simple email links to 2-3 of your favorite projects tohopestampseternal@hotmail.com (please make sure you send Direct links to your Project, not a general blog link!) Submissions will accepted thru Jan 15th and the Design Team Members chosen will be notified by Jan 20th
Sunday, December 27, 2009
CIC #39

I chose to feature the Flower Patch and Alleyway papers from the Bella Blvd Honey I'm Home Collection. I love all the bright colors and thought they went so well with this week's inspiration photo! I dressed up the top portion of the card a little by adding Stardust Stickles to the centers of the flowers and to t

This simple card was finished off with a little birthday sentiment and some clear crystal flowers from the Zva Creative Crystal Flower Wheel. I like how those tie in the flower theme from the Bella Blvd paper and add a nice finishing touch.
If you want to play along with this week's challenge, make sure you add a direct link to your creation to Rachel's post by 9pm MST next Saturday in order to be considered for the Top 5 collage next Sunday.
Now it's time to visit the other Sweeties for lots more inspiration!
Elena (December Guest Sweetie)
Stamps: PTI Everyday Button Bits (for sentiment)
Ink: PTI Fresh Snow
Paper: Flower Patch and Alleyway from the Bella Blvd Honey I'm Home Collection
Other: Stardust Stickles, Zva Creative Crystal Flower Wheel
Sunday, December 20, 2009
CIC #38!

I need to start out by apologizing for my even-worse-than-usual photo! I swear, I have got to somehow invest in proper lighting and a light tent!
Anyway, aren't these cupcakes so fun and holidayish?! I took my inspiration from the hearts, the candy canes, the holly, and the colors, right down to the black accents!
I punched hearts out of paper from the Imaginisce Polar Bear Expressions collection and the Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly pack to reflect the candy cane and holly motifs on some of the cupcakes. I then traced around the edges of the hearts with some Stardust Stickles. The larger center heart is raised up with a 2mm adhesive dot from Zva Creative, while the smaller hearts are on 1mm adhesive dots. In between the hearts I put different sizes of Zva Creative Crystal Dots.
Some silver ribbon from PTI sort of sets the top portion apart, and then the sentiment is from Keep Cozy by The Greeting Farm. More crystal dots in the smallest size appear on either side of the sentiment.
I've taken photos of all of the different Christmas cards I'm sending out this year, but I don't know if I'll have time to blog about them before Christmas. So in case this is my last post this week, I hope you and your families have a wonderful holiday!
If you want to play along with this week's challenge, make sure you add a direct link to your creation to Rachel's post by 9pm MST next Saturday in order to be considered for the Top 5 collage next Sunday.
Now it's time to visit the other Sweeties for lots more inspiration!
Elena (December Guest Sweetie)
Stamps: Keep Cozy by The Greeting Farm
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black
Paper: Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly collection, Imaginisce Polar Bear Expressions, PTI white
Other: Stardust Stickles, 2mm adhesive dot from Zva Creative, Zva Creative 1mm adhesive dot, Zva Creative clear crystal dots
Monday, December 14, 2009
Hope Stamps Eternal Secret Sweetie Blog Hop
Welcome to a very Sweetie Christmas Hop! The Hope Stamps Eternal Sweeties have a big reveal to share with you today. A few weeks back we were each assigned a secret sweetie who in turn made us gifts and sent them to us to ring in the holidays. During this hop you will see what each of the sweeties put together for their recipient and reveal who they made it for.
Make sure to comment on each blog b
ecause one lucky person will be the winner of blog candy! If you didn't arrive here from Kelli's blog, be sure to go back to the beginning at Rachel's blog where you will be able to see a photo of the blog candy and then just follow along to the next blog from there.
I was very excited to be assigned to the fabulous Hope Stamps Eternal owner herself, Rachel! She is one of my dearest friends, and I was thrilled to have an excuse to send her a little Christmas cheer! I know that one of her favorite candies at this time of year are the Candy Cane Kisses, so my ensemble had to include some of those! I
First off is the bag of Kisses. I just put those in a clear cellophane bag and tied it off with some white polka dot ribbon from May Arts. It looks like she's just run out of the white ribbon, but check out the ribbon selection in the store for a variety of other colors. I then made a little tag for the bag using some paper from the Imaginisce Polar Expressions collection and a Making Memories snowflake blossom with a Zva Creative clear crystal dot in the middle.
I also made a little 3" x 3" card to match the set, using white and silver cardstock along with more of the Polar Expressions paper, white polka dot ribbon, and Making Memories snowflake blossoms. In the center of this snowflake, I used one of the gemstone brads that comes with the snowflakes.
Next up I embellished one of the 4 oz. round clear top tins, again using the same paper, ribbon, and snowflakes. I just love making a set of things that match - it appeals to the OCD side of me I think! I was trying to figure out what to put inside the tin and decide to make some magnets using dominoes. I used the snowflake stamp from Keep Cozy by The Greeting Farm and stamped two dominoes with red ink and two with silver. I then adhered small clear gemstones from the Zva Creative crystal wheel to the center of each of the snowflakes. To turn the dominoes into magnets, I cut up some self-stick business card magnets and stuck them right on the backs of the dominoes. Sorry for the less than stellar picture of the dominoes - I was taking these photos at night and could not for the life of me get a photo that wasn't too full of flash or too dark!
I had so much fun creating this set for Rachel and I hope she liked it! Now it's time to go to the next stop, Colleen at Glitter Ink. Don't forget - you'll want to leave a comment at each stop on the hop to have a chance at winning the blog candy!
Stamps: Keep Cozy by The Greeting Farm
Ink: PTI Pure Poppy, Encore silver
Paper: Imaginisce Polar Expressions, PTI white, SU Brushed Silver
Other: May Arts ribbon, Making Memories snowflake blossoms, Zva Creative clear crystal dot, 4 oz. round clear top tin
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #37

I obviously went with a snowman theme for my card this week, and also drew my color inspiration from the photo as well. My main image is from The Greeting Farm set Keep Cozy and I colored him with Copic markers. His hat is cut out and popped up with a Zva Creative 1mm adhesive dot for a little dimension and his hat and scarf are accented with Stardust Stickles. The final finishing touches o
The snowman is punched out with a Marvy mega circle punch and matted on a Marvy giga scalloped circle. On each scallop I adhered a Zva Creative white pearl using a Quickie glue pen. The circle is then adhered to the base using more Zva Creative 1mm adhesive dots.
Speaking of the background, that gorgeous paper is more from the Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly collection. I know I've been using it a lot, but there are just sooo many awesome designs in that pack! The little snowflake embellisment at the bottom was created with a small punch and finished off with a Zva Creative clear crystal dot.
If you want to play along with this week's challenge, make sure you add a direct link to your creation to Rachel's post by 9pm MST next Saturday in order to be considered for the Top 5 collage next Sunday.
Now it's time to visit the other Sweeties for lots more inspiration!
Elena (December Guest Sweetie)
Stamps: Keep Cozy by The Greeting Farm, sentiment from PTI
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black
Paper: Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly collection, PTI white, Spring Rain
Other: Stardust Stickles, Zva Creative 1mm adhesive dot, Zva Creative black crystal dots, Zva Creative clear crystal dot, Zva Creative white pearl
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #36

With Christmas less than three weeks away, this week's inspiration photo is just perfect! Holly is one of my favorite motifs for the holidays, and I knew right away that I wanted to use some of the paper from the Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly pack. Both the large piece of background paper and the small strip across the center are from that collection.
My main image is from the Greeting Farm Rain, Snow, Shine set and I colored her with Copics. As you can see in the inspiration photo, the holly leaves are dusted with glitter, so I knew I needed to have some glitter on my project as well! I used Stardust Stickles on all the trim on her outfit, as well as on her earmuffs. I also used the Stickles to create a border ar
I hope you'll participate in this week's challenge and knock another Christmas card off your to-do list! If you play along, make sure you add a direct link to your creation to Rachel's post by 9pm MST next Saturday in order to be considered for the Top 5 collage next Sunday.
Now before I send you off to check out the other Sweeties, I want to introduce you to our December Guest Sweetie, Elena at The Red Haired Girl. She's insanely talented, so be sure to stop by and see her take on this week's challenge. Once you've done that, go ahead and visit the other Sweeties for lots more inspiration!
Stamps: Rain, Snow, Shine by The Greeting Farm
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black
Paper: Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly collection, PTI white
Other: Stardust Stickles, Jolee's by You Snowflake collection, 2mm adhesive dots by Zva Creative
Monday, November 30, 2009
Cyber Monday Sale!!
Hi everyone! Getting back into the normal work and life routine after a nice long holiday weekend is never fun, but I've got something to make your Monday a little better!
Hope Stamps Eternal is having a Cyber Monday sale - EVERYTHING in the store is 30% off!! Now is the perfect time to stock up on supplies for your holiday cards - check out all the Christmas items from Cuttlebug, Basic Grey, Inkadinkado and more! This is also a great chance to cross some craft-loving family and friends off your gift list - there's sure to be lots of goodies for any stamper or scrapbooker in your life!
Don't miss out on this one day sale - shop now!
Hope Stamps Eternal is having a Cyber Monday sale - EVERYTHING in the store is 30% off!! Now is the perfect time to stock up on supplies for your holiday cards - check out all the Christmas items from Cuttlebug, Basic Grey, Inkadinkado and more! This is also a great chance to cross some craft-loving family and friends off your gift list - there's sure to be lots of goodies for any stamper or scrapbooker in your life!
Don't miss out on this one day sale - shop now!
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